3 Types Of Tree Pruning Cuts

Trees can add shade and interest to your home's landscape. Pruning plays a major role in determining the overall health and beauty of your tree over time. You will need to make pruning a priority throughout the life of your trees.

In order to ensure that each pruning session is a success, you must be familiar with proper pruning techniques. Here are three types of cuts that you will use when pruning your trees.

1. Removal Cuts

Removal cuts are the type of pruning cuts most homeowners think of when caring for their trees. The primary goal of pruning cuts is to eliminate unwanted growth. A removal cut can be used to separate small branches from a secondary limb, or an entire limb from the trunk of the tree itself.

Removal cuts can be beneficial when you want to manage growth to increase fruit or blossom production in the future. Removal cuts are also used to eliminate any branches or limbs that show evidence of disease or decay.

2. Reduction Cuts

Reduction cuts can be used to help control the length of any limbs on your tree.

If left unchecked, limb length can become a major concern for homeowners. Limbs that grow too long can cause a tree to become unbalanced and more susceptible to falling. The longer limbs themselves also pose a safety risk during any major storm.

Reduction cuts are made by cutting through the limb back to a lateral branch that is the desired length.

3. Heading Cuts

Heading cuts can be tricky, and should be left to a professional tree trimming service to avoid causing permanent damage to your tree. The primary purpose of a heading cut is to encourage new side growth on your tree.

Some trees tend to grow too quickly in a vertical direction. By using heading cuts to reduce some vertical growth back to the bud, an arborist can encourage your trees to become fuller instead of taller.

Heading cuts can be beneficial when you want to ensure that your trees grow in a balanced and uniform manner.

Pruning has many uses when it comes to maintaining your tree. You can use pruning to prevent the spread of disease, alter the appearance of your tree, or encourage your tree to grow in a safer and more secure pattern.

Work closely with a tree pruning service in your area to keep your trees pruned properly over time.
